Code faster, better, efficient code in hours seconds.

Accelerate your coding skills and improve the quality of your code by using Kodezi.

Kodezi helps Students learn faster

Stop struggling to learn to code and hello to success with Kodezi.

Debug Bugs

Fix issues with your code in seconds

Kodezi Integrations

Kodezi offers integrations for Vscode Code and on the web!

Kodezi Web-IDE

Use all the Kodezi features on a web IDE!

Visual Studio Code Extension

Use Kodezi’s features on Visual Studio Code!

Loved by students from high school to college

Coding is easy, debugging is hard. Let us do the hard things while you focus on coding!

I think if I didn't have this tool, I would have failed my CS homework with the amount of bugs I was trying to fix.


University of Central Florida

Kodezi has helped me find and fix bugs faster and easier than trying to manually. It is a lifesaver when it comes to correcting issues and bugs. The code commenting feature is also amazing for me.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This is such a good website for debugging code, I truly appreciate the new updates every week and listening to our feedbck! Thank you for this!


Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Get started coding with Kodezi today!

Kodezi boosts your productivity while coding! Regardless of your experience or skill!

Start Writing Better Code Today!